Hello there and welcome to the About me page!
My name, in case it wasn't quite clear, is ThainĂ¡, and I'm a student of System Analysis and Development! What you're looking right now is my personal website-a little corner of the internet i've crafted to showcase my interests, explore my creativity and share it all with the world!
Here, you're invited to dive into those interests and explore the features I developed myself for pure entertainment and, of course, to practice my front-end skills. The inspiration behind this site is the old web and Neocities- a commercial web hosting service and a social network of websites. It was there that i stumbled upon many cute, inspiring and curious websites that fueled my desire to create my own!
Beyond System development, I'm also passionate of design and front-end development - actually, maybe even more than system develpment itself! I love dedicatig my time to explore my creativity and testing my skills, not only on the web but also through art. My trusty sidekick in this journey is a second-hand notebook. Yep, my equipment might be quite limited but that won't stop me. I'm determined to upgrade my setup and keep pushing forward!
I am currently using Inkscape, an open-source vector graphics editor software, and my goal is to master this tool. Inkscape has been immensely helpful in my journey to learn design and editing. I designed my logotype in this software but I also really want to make my own button so i'm still searching for inspiration and gathering ideias to design it, and I hope to complete it as soon as possible!!
Meanwhile, i'll keep working to make this website more alive and colorful, just like i've always wanted!